The garden gate is the quintessential “first impression” of any garden, and making it special sets the tone for your outdoor space. Why not use up-cycled materials to create a gate in your garden with charm, cleverness, creativity. And recycling is always a good thing for nature. We scoured Pinterest and the web for bloggers that have some great up-cycled backyard gates and anyone who is handy (or can lean on a handy loved one!) can accomplish these garden gate ideas.

Love this romantic garden gate idea that was created out of two old doors. The arches are the best way to top this project off! No tutorial, but with a couple of posts sunk in the ground and some hinges, you’ve got an amazing  garden gate! From wedding photographer ‘Monica Roberts‘.

Old door garden gate

This DIY gate was created from old tools. So creative! Montana Wildlife Gardener used all recycled tools for his project.

This old window makes a marvelous backyard gate.  Just like the other garden gate ideas, simply place posts a distance apart equal to the width of the window, add hinges and latches. Source for this photo is unknown, please let us know if you have a clue!

Old window garden gate

Bob Vila‘ recently featured a wonderful gate made from an old screen door. Check out your local Habitat for Humanity ReStore!

Screen door gate

Finally, we found a bunch of great garden gate ideas done out of old metal headboards. I think these might be my favorite! This one from ‘Fine Gardening‘ has a little flower box attached to it. Which makes me want to go through it 100 times more!


From ‘Magnolia Pearl‘, the inspiring DIY garden gate ideas just keep coming! Could you do this with the grill of an old car or truck? How cool would that be?


From ‘Suburban Farm Girl’, this old antique crib headboard is used just to dress up an existing fence as the upper section. If you want that vintage garden charm, but need a more sturdy fence, this might be your best garden gate idea yet!


This headboard DIY gate is from ‘Away to Garden‘. She explains how they used old recycled headboard to make the most charming garden gates, again, hinges are your friend! Go check out her amazing gardening site. Amazing!

Headboard gate

Have you run across creative up-cycled garden gate ideas? Share! We think you will also want to jump on over to our post on Gorgeous DIY Garden Gates and DIY Garden Paths & Walkways!  You might also want to check out our post on Repurposed window shutter ideas & projects on our sister site TBD.


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  1. Janie Jane June 10, 2017 at 4:58 am

    Nonsense. Bonding primer, a good enamel and topcoat… happy gardening!

  2. Melissa July 13, 2014 at 5:52 pm

    I really do love the recycled wooden doors, but as my handy person reminded me, those will fall apart in about three months. If you get them to last that long! There is really no way to weather proof them.

    1. cindy February 5, 2015 at 4:14 pm

      enamal paint and wood screws!

    2. Mary Heery June 6, 2015 at 6:11 am

      Over time the would deteriorate, but some heavy coats of polyurethane would preserve them longer till u find a replacement down the line.

  3. scott penton January 17, 2014 at 7:30 pm

    Some cool ideas. Thank you for this.


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