Concrete, or cinder block, is an inexpensive building material for the garden. Easily picked up at your local home improvement store, with a little creativity you can use it to create garden hardscaping that will last. It combines well with other elements such as wood, and is easy for even the beginning DIY’er to work with. We picked 5 ways to use cinder blocks in the garden to share with you! What are five ways to use it in the garden?

Planters  •  Steps  •  Fire Pit  •  Furniture  •  Privacy Wall – Let’s get inspired!



Cinder Blocks in the Garden

Cinder Blocks in the Garden

DIY Cinder Block Planters

From ‘J Peterson Garden Design‘, this cinder block succulent planter is a scaled down (read : easier) version of a planter that made it’s way across the internet last year. We understand the appeal, we created our own mini version of this with our DIY cinder block vertical planter. But we love the large scale this project is done on, and the steps are easy!



Here is another version of a cinder block succulent planter by ‘Zack Benson Photography‘…



Making Steps with Cinder Blocks

From ‘Step by Step‘, these DIY concrete block stairs are so much better than using wood… they won’t rot away in a couple years! I like the idea of planting them with a stepable ground cover… Really complete tutorial with TONS of step by step pics…

5 Ways to Use Cinder Blocks in the Garden


Another example, this inspirational photo of concrete block steps is from ‘Sustainable Urban Living‘… Love how they just seamlessly merge into the side of the hill!

cottage E steps


Cinder Block Fire Pit

What is nature, and therefore a garden, without fire? Fire is a necessary element in the world of nature and should be respected in the garden. Many trees cannot even release their seeds without the heat of a fire. This simple DIY cinder block fire pit by ‘Must Add Fabric Softener‘ is another good example of the simplicity of using concrete block. And for all of you who have heard these fire pits are dangerous, read their take on this on their post… which we happen to agree with.



This easy DIY cinder block fire pit was done by ‘The Dirty Loft‘, and he also addresses the “concrete block will explode” controversy… BTW… Lowe’s themselves list these blocks as fire resistant.



Cinder Block Furniture

This DIY cinder block bench was created by ‘Decoist‘ during their front porch makeover, and has a complete tutorial. They also show several different variations of adding the planter sections.



From a Pinterest user, this cinder block bench follows the same principles…



Another Pinterest find, this bench incorporates stacked cinder block. You can use exterior landscaping adhesive to secure the concrete blocks together if you wish.



This cinder block potting bench is a great idea, and is a much more stylish version of college bookshelves!



Cinder Block Privacy Wall

From ‘The Info Mine‘, I love the Southwest look of this DIY cinder block planter wall… They used ‘Deck Restore’ to seal and add the color.



Here is the unpainted version of their cinder block wall.

5 Ways to Use Cinder Blocks in the Garden


This inspirational photo from ‘Houzz‘ shows you that even in an upscale design, like with this Eichler home, cinder block is a great building material!


We love these 5 Ways to Use Cinder Blocks in the Garden! If you are inspired by cinder block projects, we think you will also love our very own DIY Cinder Block Planter. Also try our post on DIY Concrete Globes for the Garden!



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  1. Janette Corbin April 14, 2021 at 3:33 am

    How does the cinder block planter work with a heavy rain? Will the plants drown?

    1. Kathy Bates April 14, 2021 at 4:12 pm

      The metal does not seal, so the planters drain just fine!

  2. Robb March 19, 2018 at 3:49 pm

    How would the overhang planters keep the dirt from falling out the bottom? The original site’s page is down. There’s got to be something in the bottom to keep the soil in.

  3. Will January 10, 2018 at 1:44 am

    I love these ideas! There’s nothing better than a low buget garden decoration that looks modern and stylish. I’ve started to incorporate more ‘upcycling’ ideas into my garden. For example I saw a DIY on pinterest where gutters could be used as planters. Since I work with gutters and often have spare cut offs, I thought it would be silly not to! Please keep more posts like this coming!!!

  4. Wheatgrass Cure September 26, 2017 at 11:20 pm

    The ideas are awesome, after looking at the pics I have decided that I will create a small herbal garden in my backyard. Awesome!

  5. Stimulant August 26, 2017 at 9:02 am

    Awesome DIY idea. I have so many blocks in spare. Will design a nice landscape using it.

  6. Sandra Benedict June 18, 2017 at 10:14 pm

    I love the cinder block bench to put in my back yard. Im looking forward to getting started with this project. Thanks

  7. Silas Knight June 1, 2016 at 12:29 pm

    I had no idea that concrete blocks could be used in so many ways. I love the planter you have there, it looks like a giant game of Tetris. We are actually looking at remodeling our backyard a little, so thanks for the inspiration and concrete ideas!

  8. vu January 3, 2016 at 10:11 am

    The idea of using cider blocks is good. Instead of wood if you have any pipes which are unused you can use them and place colored tiles on the pipes it would look nice.

  9. Jason Roland November 2, 2015 at 11:04 am

    The possibilities of cinder blocks are endless and you don’t really see them as much these days. I think they make a unique finished product that takes me back to my youth. I really love the planter idea. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Terry June 26, 2015 at 10:15 am


    WoW!! All I can say, great ideas for the left over blocks keep going.


  11. Kay March 7, 2015 at 7:21 am

    would like to know what i can add to a concrete wall for privacy plz let me know ty

  12. Dan Carlisle January 26, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    I recently saw a feature article from you dated May 2011. You show a form used in creating a cobblestone looking landing area. Pour concrete into it, remove form, finish the edges go to next area. Do you know where one can buy the form itself? it looked to be roughly two feet by two feet and maybe 2 inches thick?

    1. Kathy Woodard March 12, 2015 at 12:34 pm

      I believe you can get those at most home improvement stores now… Ive seen it at Home Depot in our area…


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