It’s that time of year- time to think about ordering and starting seeds! This is one of the most fun and exciting parts of gardening if you ask me. It…
Gifts for Gardeners: Our 2024 Gift Guide
It’s gift-giving season! We all love to pick out the perfect gift for those we care about most, but sometimes that can be tricky! While I can’t help you find…
DIY Garden Balls: Creative Ideas for Globes and Spheres
Hey there, fellow garden enthusiasts! Can I let you in on a little secret? I’m absolutely obsessed with garden art, and there’s something magical about garden spheres that just makes…
Prayer Plant Care Made Easy: Tips for Lush, Vibrant Leaves
The prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura) is a stunning houseplant known for its beautifully patterned leaves and fascinating habit of folding its foliage at night, resembling hands in prayer. Easy to…
A Quick Guide to Companion Planting and Best Companion Plants for Home Gardens
Most of us are better with a few good friends around us, and our plants are exactly the same! Companion planting, where certain plants are grown together to enhance each…
How to Grow Cherry Tomatoes at Home
There’s something so amazing about plucking a fresh cherry tomato from the vine and popping it straight in your mouth, still warm from the sun. In my opinion, homegrown cherry…
Perlite vs Vermiculite: Which is Better for Your Garden?
As a gardener, there’s a good chance you spend way too much time thinking about your soil. But, it’s important! Good soil is what leads to strong, healthy plants. Soil…
Share Your Spring 2024: Subscriber Submissions
Welcome! If you’re in need of something to brighten your day, you’ve come to the right place! I asked our lovely subscribers to share their favorite plants, DIY projects, or…
Easy DIY Tomato Cage & Trellis Ideas: How to Make Them!
No kitchen garden is complete without tomatoes! These are one of the most rewarding plants to grow in a vegetable garden if you ask me. They take a certain crew,…
28 Creative DIY Vertical Garden Ideas & Projects
If you love the idea of growing your own veggies, but just don’t feel like you have the room for it, we gotcha covered. Vertical vegetable gardening is a way…
About Japanese Beetles and How to Get Rid of Them
A healthy garden is all about equilibrium – even garden pests like slugs and snails have an important role to play! However, when something foreign is introduced to a new…
How to Keep Squirrels out of Potted Plants and Bulbs
Squirrels can be cute with their fluffy little tails and occasionally humorous antics. But they quit being so cute when you walk outside to find your favorite spring bulbs dug…
DIY Tabletop Fire Bowls & Fire Pits
Sometimes you don’t want to embark on a whole fire pit-building adventure in your backyard, but you still want that fire factor. No problem, we found some easy DIY tabletop…